For too long, Kaohsiung has been known to the world as Taiwan's largest port city -- it's time to give attention-craving Kaohsiung the love it deserves.
As lifelong Kaohsiunger and radio DJ Hugo Wu tells CNN: "The weather is almost always good, the pace of life is slow and the city is free. Who would want to leave Kaohsiung?"
身為高雄人的電台DJ- Hugo Wu 告訴 CNN 的記者:「有別於北部一年四季有一半濕冷的天氣,高雄的天氣總是陽光普照;雖然是大城市,卻有別於台北的快步調,美好的天氣、和緩的城市節奏,誰還會想離開高雄?」
Biggest night market in Southeast Asia 坐擁南台灣最大的夜市
Kaisyuan (凱旋) or Jin-Zuan (金鑽) ? It’s been the hottest debate in Kaohsiung since last summer.
The rivalry (競爭) between Kaisyuan and Jin-Zuan -- two adjacent (鄰近的) night markets -- began from the week they opened, only three days apart. Both claim to be the biggest market in Southeast Asia. Each has hundreds of night market stalls (攤販).
Jin-Zuan wins over fans with delicious beer shrimp, handmade, pan-fried noodles and luxury, lounge-like toilet facilities. Kaisyuan wows night market goers with a mini Phra Phrom (four-faced Buddha) and Bin Bin lemon juice hand-squeezed by muscular vendors. Both are gigantic -- walking through either takes at least an hour.
Fresh gourmet food 新鮮可口的美食
Gangshan (岡山) District's lamb hotpot, Moon World's free-range chicken and Shin-Da Harbor (興達港) and Cijin Island (旗津)'s seafood. Locals love Meinong (美濃) for authentic Hakka cuisine, Old New Restaurant serves the best taro sago sweet soup from the Jiasian (甲仙) District -- these are just the beginning of a long list of local Kaohsiung foods.
Lotus Pond 蓮池潭龍虎塔
After the dozens temples you may have visited in Asia, you may not be excited about another Buddhist (佛教)/Taoist (道教) destination. But Lotus Pond is a real attraction.
The Dragon and Tiger Pagodas (佛塔) are two seven-story pagodas guarded by crouching (蹲伏的) tiger and dragon statues. Enter the dragon's mouth for good fortune, exit from the tiger's mouth to banish (驅除) bad luck.
House mascots 特色情趣餐廳
Decorations in Funny Sex Restaurant are graphic without being repulsive (使人反感的). The owner says he created his unique restaurant because, while many Taiwanese have heard of such sex toys, many have never seen or touched them.
讓人臉紅心跳的「18禁不禁」情趣餐廳 也獲得CNN的青睞!這間提供性教育的餐廳,將情趣話題作為主要風格,強調以「詼諧但不鹹溼」的方式打造用餐環境。店長說,他之所以會以這樣的念頭打造一間餐廳,是因為他發現大多數人都對性或情趣有些認識,但卻從未真正見過或碰觸過。
Formosa Boulevard Station 台灣最美的捷運站-美麗島站
The Formosa Boulevard Station in Kaohsiung is the most beautiful metro station in Taiwan. The three-story station was designed by Japanese architect (建築師) Takamatsu Shin. The above-ground glass entrance is designed to resemble a pair of hands clasped in prayer.
But the real treasure is underground -- the 2,180-square-meter Dome of Light, a glass mural (壁畫) built into the ceiling of the station. The colorful ceiling (天花板) was created by American-Italian artist Narcissus Quagliata. It's the largest such glass installation in the world.
Enormous art 大型裝置藝術 ; Pier 2 駁二藝術特區
Public artwork -- usually enormous -- is everywhere to be seen at Pier-2, formerly a warehouse (倉庫) complex located near the harbor. At Pier 2, warehouses have become art spaces housing different exhibitions.
Superhero lottery shop 超級英雄彩券行
A year ago, superhero lover and lottery shop owner Tong Young-wu was looking to buy an Ironman figure, only to be startled (大吃一驚) by the price so he thought he could just build one himself.
Tong's superhero family currently has eight members, excluding the two tall robots at the door. After the installation of the superhero figures, the lottery shop's business increased 30%. Travelers are welcome to stop by and take pictures with the figures.
Inflatable Rubber Duck 黃色小鴨
Kaohsiung wasn't only the first stop for Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman's inflatable (充氣的) Rubber Duck in Taiwan, but The Kaohsiung duck is the only one that survived the entire exhibition.
Hofman was persuaded to bring his Rubber Duck to Kaohsiung thanks to the city's tremendous enthusiasm for the unusual display. During the month the Rubber Duck was docked in Kaohsiung, it brought 3.9 million visitors to the venue. Thanks to its success, the city has announced that the Rubber Duck will return in 2014.
去年在高雄光榮碼頭展出,吸引超過390萬人湧入、創下逾10億商機的「黃色小鴨」!除了在台灣引起的小鴨炫風外,CNN也特別指出,「高雄不僅是荷蘭霍夫曼 Florentijn Hofman 的黃色小鴨在台灣展出的第一站,也是唯一一隻,在整個展期中完整存活下來的小鴨。CNN也預告高雄小鴨也將在今年再次與大家相見歡。