

深受大家喜愛的《哈利波特》系列,小說每本都像辭海,厚重到一個不行,電影也是拍成整整七大集。日前一名國外網友Jon Cozart大搞kuso,以說唱故事的方式,上演99秒講完哈利波特七集【Harry Potter in 99 Seconds】,影片上傳至個人Youtube,已吸引近1800萬人次瀏覽,觀眾直呼太有創意。同時自創歌曲甚至在iTunes上架販售,只能說他真的是個絕世奇才啊!






There once was a boy named Harry
Who was destined to be a star
His parents were killed by Voldemort
Who gave him a lightning scar


(Philosopher's Stone)
Harry goes to Hogwarts
and meets Ron and Hermione
Mcgonagall requires he play for gryffindor
Draco is a daddy's boy
Quirrell becomes un-employed
The Sorcerer's stone is destroyed by Dumbledore


(Chamber of secrets)
Ron breaks his wand
now Ginny's gone
and Harry's in mortal danger
Tom Riddle hides his snake inside a ginormous secret chamber


(Prisoner Of Azkaban)
Harry blows up aunt Marge
the Dementors come and take charge
Lupin's a wolf
the rats a man
and now the prisoner is at large
They use time travel so they can
save the prisoner of Azkaban
who just so happens to be Harry's godfather
I don't really get it either....


(Goblet Of Fire)
Harry gets put in the tri-wizard tournament
with dragons and mermaids
...oh no Edward Cullen get's slayed
he's back


(Order of the phoenix)
Harry, Harry it's getting scary
Voldemort's back and your a revolutionary, Harry
Dumbledore, Dumbledore why is he ignoring your constant attempts to contact him
He is forced to leave the school
Umbridge arrives
Draco's a tool
kids break into the ministry
sirius black is dead as can be


(Half-blood prince)
Split your soul
seven parts of a whole
there horcruxes!
It's Dumbledore's end


(Deathly Hallows)
there once was a boy named Harry
who constantly conquered death
but in one final duel between good and bad
he may take his final breath...



wand (n.) 棒、棍、竿;魔杖
mortal (adj.) 臨死的;致命的
ginormous (adj.) 【英】極大的
chamber (n.) 室、房間
blow up 發脾氣; 勃然大怒
at large (指罪犯、動物等)自由的;逍遙法外
happen to 碰巧
tournament (n.) 錦標賽
mermaid (n.) 美人魚
slay (v.) 殺死
conquer (v.) 戰勝
duel (n.) 決鬥






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