Chagall, born in Russia, left his hometown for Paris, France in 1892. During WWII, he was persecuted by the Nazis because of his Jewish heritage, and so he fled to the US. Chagall spent his life traveling but most of his paintings were based on his homeland and showed landscapes of the northern European countryside. He displayed his rich imagination through bold colors and fairytale-like images.
One of Chagall’s signature works is “Moi et la Village," which was painted during 1923 and 1924. A green-faced man and a white-faced goat take up more than half of the painting. In the top corners are small village scenes and figures, and there is a tree in the bottom center. The white trees are dotted with green, and white snow-like puffs cover the branches, suggesting the chilly winters of the north. The village and people all reveal characteristics of Russia, Chagall's homeland. Most of Chagall’s works focus on exotic northern Europe and his longing for his home. It is worth it to go take a look at this artist’s works and his unique painting style.
夏卡爾早年的代表作之一《我與鄉村》(Moi et la Village),作於1923-1924年。綠臉的人和白臉的羊佔據畫面一半以上,上方角落有小小的村落景致與人物,下方中央有一棵樹。白色的樹上點綴著綠意,一團團如白雪覆蓋的枝葉,表現出北方冬天的寒冷。村落與人物具有俄羅斯地區的特色,正是夏卡爾故鄉的樣子。夏卡爾的許多作品都顯示歐洲北方的異國情調,和思鄉的情緒,畫家獨特的繪畫風格,值得一看。