Henley and Partners發表最強護照排行榜報告
Owning a passport opens up a world of possibility and freedom for travellers - or so you would think. In some countries around the world, even if you are lucky enough to have access to the government-issued documents, you are still restricted and barred(阻擋) from several countries. Henley and Partners created a Visa Restrictions Index, which ranks countries globally in accordance to the travel freedom their inhabitants enjoy - with some surprising results.
護照是出國旅行必備的文件,但並非持有護照就能去任何地方,還得看這是哪個國家的護照。這個「亨利與合夥人」(Henley & Partners)公司根據各國公民旅行的自由度(亦即享有免簽證入境的程度)計算積分,創建了一種簽證受限指數(Visa Restrictions Index),將各個國家的護照進行排名。
This was juxtaposed(並置、並列) by Finland, Germany, Sweden, the UK and the US, in first position, who are able to access 174 countries visa-free.
↑芬蘭 ↑德國 ↑ 瑞典
↑美國 ↑英國
Taking the lowest spots were Afghanistan (ranked at 94 and able to visit 28 countries visa-free), Iraq, (able to visit 31 countries), Pakistan and Somalia (able to visit 32 countries) and the Palestinian Territory (able to visit 35).
↑阿富汗 ↑伊拉克
↑巴基斯坦 ↑索馬利亞
Henley and Partners said: 'In today's globalised world, visa restrictions play an important role in controlling the movement of foreign nationals across borders.
'Almost all countries now require visas from certain non-nationals who wish to enter their territory.
'Visa requirements are also an expression of the relationships between individual nations, and generally reflect the relations and status of a country within the international community of nations.'
一. 護照基本上是三種顏色,藍、紅、綠,最高等級是藍色,所以,為什麼大家說美國護照好用,因為它是藍色的。
二. 藍色是主權獨立,藍色護照一發行時,就代表進入一百個國家以上不需要簽證。
三. 其次是紅色,一般來講,紅色通常是區域,比如歐盟這個區域就是紅色,除了歐洲之外,紅色通常都是過去歐洲的殖民地,例如新加坡,以前香港護照也是紅的,而日本、德國兩國護照紅色是因為她們是二次大戰的戰敗國。
四. 綠色是主權最模糊的,是主權過度的國家,就像台灣、南,北韓,不過,如果台灣要改紅色是不可以,台灣目前還是美國軍事佔領中,主權權利及管轄權非常模糊,而國際社會也不允許。