又到了公館校的英文歌曲分享時間,今天的好歌是Jessie J 的 "It's My Party"!
Are you ready for the party???
You're stuck in the playground and I'm a grown woman now
Considering you hate me, You're stalking like you made me
So why you acting like you tough
But now I fight you, had enough
Don't you get tired of being rude
Come and give me a hug dude
Let's go
It's my party, I do do what I want (do do what I want)
So while you sit and watch me
I keep dancing alone, da-dancing alone
So would you give love, and give me good till I say stop
Give you a wonder if I give a damn, boy I do not
It's my party, I do do what I want (do do what I want)
I think it's time you realize
You're only wasting your time
Addicted to a tension, you need an intervention
So while you acting like you're sick
Sitting around and talking shit
Dont you get tired of being alone
Aww, you're only friend is your phone
It's my party, I do do what I want (do do what I want)
So while you sit and watch me
I keep dancing alone, da-dancing alone
So would you give love, and give me good till I say stop
Give you a wonder if I give a damn, boy I do not
It's my party, I do do what I want (do do what I want)
You think I speak too much, I dont care, dont care
You think I tweet too much, I dont care, dont care
You think my clothes are crazy, I dont care, dont care
Well maybe im crazy, cray cray cray go!
It's my party, I do do what I want (do do what I want)
So while you sit and watch me
I keep dancing alone, da-dancing alone
So would you give love, and give me good till I say stop
Give you a wonder if I give a damn, boy I do not
It's my party, I do do what I want (do do what I want)
If we know one thing about Jessie J, it's that the British singer-songwriter does not pull any punches. From her explosive Freddie Mercury-meets-Katy Perry vocal styling to her extreme, eye-popping fashion statements, she always aims to make an impression. That's what we love about her, but apparently some people disagree -- maybe they think she's too loud or oddly made-up.
(Remember, the world is brimming with big dumb jerkfaces.) This negativity clearly inspired her newest song and video, "It's My Party," Jessie's follow-up single to "WILD." That's right, you give those YouTube commenters The Business™. Haters make you famous, girl!
Watch Jessie J's "It's My Party" video after the jump.
The Emil Nava-directed clip opens on our boisterous heroine alone in a hallway, where she peeps through the keyholes into two very different party scenes: the first prim and proper, the second completely OOC.
Obviously Jessie picks the fun party, where she bounces around with her newfound freak friends and breaks into the chorus: "It's my party/ I'll do what I want." There's a definite Miley Cyrus/"We Can't Stop" vibe to the lyrics, but since Jessie J's track is framed as a response to actual snarky comments (online and off), it's an anthem to self-determination that's entirely her own. Fave line: "You think my clothes are crazy?/ Well... maybe I'm crazy!" Jessie J? KEEP DOING YOU.
本名Jessica Ellen Cornish的Jessie,曾演出百老匯創作巨擘Andrew Lloyd Webber改編的「微風輕哨」。
17歲時,因優異的演唱功力,加入一個女子組合,並持續在樂壇有所動作,之後終於和Gut Records牽上線,公司卻在作品出版前無預警倒閉!退居幕後的Jessie,找尋到創作的一片天,陸續作嫁於暢銷歌手的專輯裡頭。
2008年受邀於百變歌姬Cyndi Lauper的「Bring Ya To The Brink Tour」巡演擔任合音天使,仍然想走上台前的Jessie,在累積多首好歌的加持下,進入環球唱片旗下,努力打造個人首張處女秀【Who You Are】。