With many Germans contending with food shortages and a bland diet as the war dragged on, sampling Hitler's food had its advantages.
"The food was delicious, only the best vegetables, asparagus, bell peppers, everything you can imagine. And always with a side of rice or pasta," she recalled. "But this constant fear – we knew of all those poisoning rumors and could never enjoy the food. Every day we feared it was going to be our last meal."
The petite widow's story is a tale of the horror, pain and dislocation endured by people of all sides who survived World War II.
Only now in the sunset of her life has she been willing to relate her experiences, which she had buried because of shame and the fear of prosecution for having worked with the Nazis, although she insists she was never a party member. She told her story as she flipped through a photo album with pictures of her as a young woman, in the same Berlin apartment where she was born in 1917.
Woelk first revealed her secret to a local Berlin reporter a few months ago. Since then interest in her life story has been overwhelming. School teachers wrote and asked her for photos and autographs to bring history alive for their students. Several researchers from a museum visited to ask for details about her life as Hitler's taster.
Woelk says her association with Hitler began after she fled Berlin to escape Allied air attacks. With her husband gone and serving in the German army, she moved in with relatives about 435 miles (700 kilometers) to the east in Rastenburg, then part of Germany; now it is Ketrzyn, in what became Poland after the war.
德國老太太瑪歌弗克(Margot Woelk)前天接受美聯社專訪,娓娓道來70年前,20多歲時本和丈夫住柏林,大戰時丈夫被徵召到前線,她家在空襲中全毀。
瑪歌投靠住拉斯騰堡的婆婆,但一去就被納粹黨衛隊看上,帶到附近有重兵看守的司令部「狼穴」,和其他14名年輕女性擔任當時元首希特勒(Adolf Hitler)的試吃員。
「狼穴」(Wolf’s Lair)是希特勒「東部戰線」首個司令部,因他喜歡自稱為狼而得名,位於當時德國東普魯士拉斯騰堡附近的森林中,該地如今屬於波蘭境內。建築內的空地、屋頂都種有植物,由空中鳥瞰與周邊森林無異,從未遭到空襲。