ThePianoGuys have teamed up with millions of YouTube fans to create a phenomenal success! The story about ThePianoGuys beginnings and success begins with Paul having an idea to start a YouTube Channel and then get a video to go viral to promote his piano store. He expresses his first thoughts with a question, “How are these Youtubers getting millions of subscribers?” he continues, “I came across a video with Jon and Steve, they had done a video, ‘Love Story Meets Viva La Vida’ and the music to it was just amazing. I was taken back by it, it was inspiring, it got in my mind.” Paul’s idea started to take off, “If these guys would keep putting their own classical music to it and mixing it with the pop, that would be such a huge Youtube channel!”
Paul was right and that started the wheels turning, miracles happening and five guys came together along the path to create an amazing journey with millions of viewers and subscribers joining the adventure on their ride to success. They love their viewers, they read their comments, they are inspired by them and they are what keep them going.
“You have inspired me to be a better person – MusicGirl68402
“Ice cream for my ears” – kpark459
“Hope in humanity restored” -Xmsn42
Paul’s vision has taken ThePianoGuys all over from 1000 foot cliffs, National Parks, forests, and on trains. We look forward to more exciting vistas along this journey as Paul has dreams of The Great Wall of China, Pyramids and the Seven Wonders of the World.
Paul, Tel and Al have the expertise and musical talents behind the scenes, they are brilliant in video and audio. Jon and Steve have musical genius running through their veins. Steve let’s us in on a secret, “Back when I was in Biology a long time ago I heard that the human body is mostly water, but if you took a cross section of me, Steven Sharp Nelson, you’d probably find that I’m mostly music.”
Approaching a thousand foot cliff to play the piano, Jon appreciatively ponders, “As I was flying around in that helicopter, and all these fish tails and bank turns, I was thinking to myself, Man I’m glad my mom made me practice the piano!”
Steve adds some important information about their story, “We’ve been doing our genealogical research and we’ve found that the cello and the piano do share a common ancestor: The tree.”
The five piano guys share a brotherhood and friendship that is genuine and it carries over to their videos. They are just so inspiring and so much fun to watch! They will motivate you, move you to tears, inspire you to want you to be a better person and to really, just make you have a better day!
After you watch this heartfelt story about their miraculous beginnings, go check out their newest ‘Mission Impossible’ video that is adventurous, clever and a joy to watch and then browse through all the other videos to see any you may have missed and watch the ones you love again. Then go and comment and be apart of this journey and conversation.
Here’s to another amazing year with ThePianoGuys!
The Piano Guys的前身是美國猶他州聖喬治的一家樂器店。某天Paul Anderson在店裡等客人,Jon Schmidt走進來,希望能夠借一架鋼琴來為自己要演出的音樂會練習。Paul被Jon Schmidt的音樂天賦震驚了,之後他們就開始一起做MV。「剛開始,做出來視頻都很單調,但久而久之,我們漸漸能夠做出來複雜的作品。
「我們和Jon拍攝出幾個視頻後,他把我們介紹給了Steven Sharp Nelson,我們見過最好的大提琴家。Jon和Steven已經合作演出很多年了,我們發現,合作起來,我們能夠成立起一個出色的團隊。就這樣我們有了 後來的成就。」——摘自thepianoguys官方網站。