Dogs are considered man’s best friend.
如今哈士奇「朱諾 (Juneau)」再次驗證了這句話。
哈士奇 Juneau 的主人 Leonard 到科羅拉多州的農村滑雪,發生意外跌落山谷,背部和脖子被樹幹壓傷無法動彈,Juneau 見狀後立刻跑到外面吠叫求援,引起其他滑雪客的注意,並躺在主人身上為他取暖,最後順利救回主人的生命。
Leonard 說,當時脊椎受傷,沒辦法動,5歲的 Juneau 知道他需要幫忙,不僅跑到外面討救兵,還幫忙挖雪,「牠躺在我的腳和身體上,讓我保持溫暖直到獲救」。
Leonard 至今仍無法走路,現在仍積極復健,「沒有 Juneau ,我可能活不到今天。」
Juneau 沒受過特殊訓練,卻能機靈救難,美國「 善待動物組織 PETA 」特地頒獎給 Juneau,予以表揚。
Leonard Somers was skiing down Berthoud Pass in Colorado when he fell down a ravine, hit a frozen tree trunk, and broke his back. Fortunately, his Alaskan Husky, Juneau, attracted the attention of other skiers by barking and running to and from the site of the accident.
"I saw Juneau running up the path," Jenny Beltman said. "I first saw the dog by himself, and then he headed over to where Leonard was."
The trunk had punctured Somers' neck, resulting in spinal injuries and paralysis. He was taken to Saint Anthony Hospital to undergo surgery.
"I don't know if God was reaching out through her, or something bigger was playing out," he said. “She knew I needed help. She helped me dig out and laid on me to keep me warm until help came.”
- Ravine (n.) 深谷
- Puncture (v.) 刺穿
- Spinal (adj.) 脊髓的
- Undergo (v.) 接受(治療、檢查等) / 經歷;忍受
All the freshmen will undergo a physical examination.
You may have to undergo disappointment and failure before experiencing success.